Friday, October 21, 2011

Another Fun Cape Experience: WIND!

After several days of cold, pouring rain, the sun finally broke through the gray cloud cover! The wind soon followed but, who cares, the sun was shining! After work, I took a trip to several Falmouth beaches on the windward side.
Racing Beach off Sippiwissett Road
No joke, when I opened my car door, the wind nearly ripped it off its hinges. I didn't bring a sweatshirt and, within minutes, was shivering trying to take pictures of the surf. At times the wind was so strong that it nearly knocked me down. I fought and struggled to stand and hold the camera. Plus, the surf spray and blowing sand made it difficult to see and protect my camera lens. Oh yeah, and my body and hands were shaking from the cold!
Sandblasted, wet and freezing, it was still a glorious evening!

Even though the tide was going out, the higher-than-normal surf still reached normal high-tide marks.

The waves were probably four feet, but the thundering, crashing and pounding of the surf made them sound much bigger!
Stupidly getting into the surf...which wet me even more
I hope this captures the wave action and energy!

The colors on Cape Cod are incredibly vivid, especially the clouds and sky. It reminds me of artwork by Thomas Locker and 19th century American landscape painters who attended the Hudson River School.
okay, and I think of Bob Ross's "happy clouds"

This is the wave that "got me." Soaking from the thighs down and shivering, I retreated!
And took my parting shots.

Actually, I immediately went to another windy beach to watch the sun set, but I'll write about that one later.

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